SwooceHut Discord

Information ℹī¸

The Swoocehut discord is a public discord for all things related to Proctato's stream and TF2 Server.

The server is our main hub for updates and all events, so keep your eyes on our #announcements and #server-updates for all upcoming events.

Please read our rules carefully when joining our server

Community Nights 🎉

On most Saturdays, the server hosts a variety of Community game nights. These nights are typically TF2 related but have branched off to a few different games such as Halo and Minecraft.

Updates on when community nights details will always be posted ahead of time in our #announcements.

Movie Nights đŸŽĨ

First Friday evening of every month, the group of us watch Nostalgic Movies as a discord and interact via a #movie-chat.

We try to keep our movie selection around PG-13 and feel free to give any suggestions via our #feedback-and-suggestions

Help and Suggestions 🙋

We try to make our community as safe and enjoyable for everyone. If you every feel you need help with something related to our discord or TF2 server, let us know in our #server-help or reach out to Proct#9619 directly.

Other than that, if there are games you want to see Proct play or idea's for community night, movie night or just additions to the server (channels, emotes, etc.) feel free to let us know in our #feedback-and-suggestions.